the pearlie kings and queens of london began (and continues to be) local groups collecting for charity in london, started by henry croft a street sweeper in the 1870s who started collecting money for charity, and sewed pearl buttons onto his clothes to be noticed while doing so. the pearlies have inspired many of the embellishments of the falls. i love the statue of henry croft in limestone on his tombstone
devil’s trumpet (2016) by sculptor ann carrington, victoria and albert museum.
if you look closer, you will notice that all the flowers are made of silverware. if only i can find a way to put silverware onto garments…..
commissioned for the queen’s royal jubilee banner, 2012. ann carrington. it is covered in about a million gold buttons.
pearly queen of trafalgar – ann carrington.
i tried colored pearl buttons, they didn’t work out as well as this. perhaps time to give it another go.
until next time.
the falls